The antiviral activity of iodine is superior to that of commercially available synthetic antivirals. It has been proven :
- • - Iodine in the treatment of human viruses (Polio, Rhino, Influenza, Herpes, Rubella, Adenovirus, Rota)
"Iodine has a wider antiviral spectrum than all other commercially available antiseptics" (Japan, 1997).
is underestimated. Studies are numerous :
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-1)
"Strong antiviral activity" (2) (3)
"Prevents infection and limits the spread of influenza"
"Excellent antiviral efficacity"
We know iodine as a universal disinfectant used in hospitals. But did you know that its action is the same in blood ? Iodine concentrated in our organs and tissues is the first line of defence in our body. of the body against infections. In the same way that calcium is the skeletal element or magnesium the nervous system element, Iodine is a killer of pathogens.
Opinavir, Ritonavir, Residivir, Cidofovir, antivirals are currently being tested on a large scale in China, the United States and Europe. But the phenomena of Resistance is a cause for concern. What about iodine? If we know that the performance of this element is excellent in terms of antibiotic resistance, low studies exist concerning iodine and antiviral resistance.
In the absence of further data, it is not legally or scientifically possible to state that iodine is a viable treatment for CoV-2 SARS.
We know the efficacy of iodine against SARS-CoV-1, a virus genetically similar to SARS-CoV-2, which caused more than 8,000 cases in 33 countries in 2002. As well as the in-vitro and in-vivo performance of iodine on other viruses including the most aggressive ones.
In the absence of an official cure, we will use iodine as a preventive measure against CoV-2-SARS and as a parallel treatment in case of a positive screening test. In the same way that we already use this substance for all our daily health problems.
« When I was a student at the school of medicine, iodine in its KI form was the most common form of universal medicine. No one knew what it felt exactly, but it felt like something something, and it did something good. Us, students, used to summarize these situations with a little rhyme... If we know not where, what, and why... then prescribe K and I » »
Dr. Albert Györgyi, Nobel Prize who discovered Vitamin C
Like Iodine, Copper and Zinc are excellent antivirals and are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. To this list can be added Silver, which according to the current state of knowledge does not however seem to belong to the list of essential elements (= constituents and essential for life).
To learn more about the other functions
of iodine in the human body, please read
our full article here
The chlorine atom is the central element of the chloroquine molecule. Without chlorine, the efficiency of chloroquine drops by 90%. This is an interesting parallel since once again we are in the presence of a mineral element that surpasses synthetic treatments. We also know that SARS CoV-2 does not survive in chlorinated pool water. In the treatment of malaria, a 2012 Indian study suggests a superior efficacy of iodine compared to chlorine. The two elements Iodine (53) and Chlorine (17) belong to the same family, halogens, and are chemically very similar.
Iodine is dramatically undervalued in the treatment of human disease. To the benefit of synthetic molecules created and patented by drug manufacturers. The proof: although the efficacy of iodine as a broad-spectrum antiviral has been documented for more than 150 years, its exact mechanism of action is virtually unknown.
This paradox is inexplicable other than by a voluntary disinterest of private research programs. Also, unfortunately, by the low utility of public research programs.